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Monday, July 30, 2012


The feeling of being in love. The feeling of looking forward. The feeling of feel. These are some of the many feelings I miss. But I'm numb. It's the worst kind of numbness and I'm afraid it'll never end. Can you imagine? A entire life without feelings. A life filled with false smiles and laughter, mask and lies about how you feel. -Cause you can't feel! Maybe it's just me being melodramatic, but seriously.. It's scary.  There's so many things I should look forward to, so many feelings I should feel. But no.. I can't. It dosen't mean that I'm unhappy, it just means that I'm numb. Even the fire of my passion has turn to ashes. But I hope, and with that I mean really HOPE that if I'll just keep doing what I do, like the numbness never hid me.. It might go away someday.. No, I already know it'll go away, but maybe it will go faster if I keep being me.

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